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​Garbage/Lese 樂色

樂色 Lese/Garbage isn’t a typical exhibition in a legitimate gallery or museum, it is in an abandoned building located nearby where I and my partner, Jiajun Song, used to live. We don’t have an opening, an intro, labels that explain the works, or even electricity. It is the first project co-curated by me and my partner Jiajun Song. This exhibition isn't out of rebellion, but love and passion.

樂 色 in Chinese, in literal, means Happy and Color separately. However, 色 also has profound and complex meanings in the context of traditional Chinese culture, including Buddhism. To simplify, 色 means exist and reality. Combined, the pronunciation of 樂色 in the Taiwan region is the same as 垃圾 which means Garbage. 

Naming it so, on one hand, is self-deprecating humor indicating our not-yet-successful artistic careers, on another hand, is a response to the focus of Jiajun’s works on Chinese traditional cultures and Buddhism, as well as my focus on the status of existence in my artworks. 

Game of Life



Xuan paper


The name of this project is inspired by the famous Conway’s Game of 

Life. This is a one-year-long project. Chinese traditional landscape paintings are usually painted on Xuan paper. By only laying the Xuan paper on the floor, I created a square of landscape in the middle of an abandoned building, as I imagine this action as the Creation of a microcosmos, where natural organisms thrive in a factitious environment while the brush is handed to the all elements in the building to paint.



Wool, stones


In Game of Life, the evolution of life is shown by microorganisms engraving the Xuan paper. It is a process of consumption and a process of "death"; while Mountains is a process regarding the stones covered by felt are as a petri dish for moss and other microorganisms, as mountains waiting for life to climb, showing a process of growth and a process of "life". However, while the microorganisms are eroding the Xuan paper, they themselves are growing; while the moss is growing, the felt will also be consumed as nutrients. Life and death alternate, the game of life runs in this microcosmos.

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